Communiqués de presse et Média
Credibility and Integrity of the Prime Minister In Question with Veterans’ Community - Op-ed
Posted on June 4, 2019
From Brian Forbes,
Given recent tumultuous events with respect to the resignation of two prominent Federal Cabinet Ministers surrounding the conduct of the Government in relation to the SNC Lavalin matter and the significant political concerns emanating from the Vice Admiral Norman debacle, it is readily apparent that the integrity and credibility of the Prime Minister and his Government have been placed in serious question.
From the perspective of the Veterans’ Community, there remains a substantial parallel concern. Not only has the Veterans Affairs Portfolio been negligently de-prioritized in this process, but the Prime Minister has also betrayed a formal commitment he specifically made to Canada’s Veterans and their families during the 2015 election campaign.
In the context of the Equitas Class Action Lawsuit, the Prime Minister made a promise to Canada’s Veterans that should his party be successful, it would not be necessary for the disabled veterans to continue such a lawsuit as his Government would re-establish Life Long Pensions as an option to the Lump Sum Disability Award. It was clearly understood that this commitment would specifically address the basic discrimination that existed between the Pension Act and the New Veterans Charter/Veterans Well-Being Act disability benefits which disparity has been from the outset at the fundamental core of the Class Action Claim.
It remains our position that there is much to do in improving Veterans Legislation so as to address the financial and wellness requirements of Canada’s disabled veterans and their families. This is particularly so with respect to the Pension for Life Provisions originally announced in December 2017 and emanating from Bill C-74 Part IV.
It is self-evident that only a circumscribed number of seriously disabled veterans and their survivors may benefit from the new legislation when compared to the level of entitlement available under the present New Veterans Charter/Veterans Well-being Act -some seriously disabled veterans are actually worse off. However, the greater majority of disabled veterans will not be materially impacted by the legislation in that the new benefits under these legislative and regulatory amendments will have limited applicability.
This fails to satisfy the Prime Minister’s 2015 election commitment to address the inequities and injustices in the New Veterans Charter and continues to ignore the “elephant in the room” which has overshadowed this entire discussion.
As stated in our many submissions to Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and Parliament, the Government has not met veterans’ expectations with regard to this fundamental mandated commitment to “re-establish lifelong pensions” under the Charter so as to ensure that a comparable level of financial security is provided to all disabled veterans and their families over their life course. This financial disparity between the Pension Act and Charter compensation has been fully validated by the recent Parliamentary Budget Officer’s report issued on February 21, 2019 which clearly underlines this longstanding discrimination.
The National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada’s Legislative Program for 2018, unanimously approved by all of our member-organizations at our Annual General Meeting in Toronto on November 23, 2018, states our fundamental position in the following core recommendations:
•that VAC, working together with relevant Ministerial Advisory Groups and other veteran stakeholders, should think “outside the box” by jointly striving over time to create a comprehensive program model that would essentially treat all veterans with parallel disabilities in the same manner as to the application of benefits and wellness policies – thereby resulting in the elimination of artificial cut-off dates that arbitrarily distinguish veterans based on whether they were injured before or after 2006.
•that VAC needs to fully implement the Ministerial Policy Advisory Group recommendations presented to the Minister and the Veterans Summit in October2016, with particular emphasis on … utilizing a combination of the best provisions from the Pension Act and the best provisions from the New Veterans Charter/Veterans Well-being Act, producing a form of lifetime pension in a much more realistic manner in order to secure the financial security for those veterans who need this form of monetary support through their lifetime.
It remained our hope through this period and more particularly the 2019 Federal budget that VAC would be prepared to consider changes to the legislation so as to make the Pension for Life provisions more inclusive prior to its formal implementation on April 1, 2019 and certainly prior to the October election pursuant to the specific recommendations and proposals contained in our 2018 Legislative Platform.
Given the reality of a Federal Election in the Fall, a genuine opportunity still exists for a commitment for meaningful improvement to the Legislation so as to eliminate the blatant discrimination suffered by disabled veterans since the enactment of the New Veterans Charter in 2006. The alienation of the Veterans’ Community in an election year does not make for good politics, particularly given the perceived large swing vote of veterans to the Liberal Party in 2015, largely based on the Prime Minister’s campaign promises. It will be of significant interest to the Veterans’ Community as to the positions to be adopted by the Government and the Opposition Parties to remedy this longstanding injustice and inequity impacting Canada’s disabled veterans and their families.
If the “one veteran – one standard” philosophy advocated by VAC has any meaning, this glaring disparity between the Pension Act and the New Veterans Charter/Veterans Well-being Act benefits for disabled veterans requires that the Government seize the moment and satisfy the financial needs of Canadian veterans and their dependents. The new legislation has missed an opportunity to recognize that the longstanding social covenant between the Canadian people and the Veterans’ Community demands nothing less.
Betrayal of a commitment - media coverage
Posted on February 21, 2019
From Brian Forbes,
I am attaching an article published over this last weekend in all major Canadian newspapers entitled “’Betrayal’: Wilson-Raybould’s resignation stokes frustration and anger among Canada’s veterans.”
The piece is written by leading Canadian reporter Lee Berthiaume from the Canadian Press, who has a national byline on all matters affecting national defence and veterans and who has a wide readership in this context.
I have spent considerable time with Lee over the last few months to ensure that our key concern is exposed to the Canadian public in that the Prime Minister has indeed betrayed the commitment he made in the 2015 election campaign to address the veterans’ agenda and the Equitas lawsuit.
There is little doubt, in my opinion, that veterans’ issues will have a prominent impact on the 2019 federal election. It remains my intention to pursue this initiative at this critical time in accord with our NCVA Legislative platform – a real opportunity still exists for meaningful improvement as to the legislation so as to make it more inclusive and address the “elephant in the room.”
As we discussed at our Annual Meeting, given the perceived large swing vote of the veteran community to the Liberal Party in 2015 largely based on the PM’s campaign promises, it is the view of many in the media that the veterans’ vote in 2019 may indeed be a significant factor in the overall election.
Given the political chaos in Ottawa surrounding the recent resignation of the “new” Minister of Veterans Affairs, Jody Wilson-Raybould, it is self-evident that the government has neglected the Veterans Affairs portfolio and should be held accountable in this regard.
I will keep you posted as to further developments.
All the best,
Betrayal of a Commitment to Canada’s Veterans’ Community
by Brian N. Forbes, Chair of the National Council of Veteran Associations and Executive Chair, The War Amps
Posted on October 9, 2018
The Supreme Court of Canada has recently dismissed the Equitas class action lawsuit, thereby closing the door on the legal claim initiated against the federal government on behalf of Canada’s disabled veterans’ community.
The determined and courageous class action representatives were essentially seeking a court order compelling the government/Veterans Affairs Canada to address the financial disparity between disability benefits awarded pursuant to the traditional Pension Act and those benefits granted under the New Veterans Charter (now known as the Veterans Well-being Act).
Notwithstanding the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision, the battle continues, as the dispute has moved from the legal jurisdiction to the political arena in order to achieve a resolution to this longstanding concern...
Click here to read the full op-ed.
Press Release/ OP-ED by Brian Forbes
Posted on February 21, 2018
Veterans Affairs Minister is entitled to his own opinion but not to his own facts/Government plan for lifelong pensions under New Veterans Charter fails to live up to Prime Minister’s commitment to Canada’s veterans.
Minister Seamus O’Regan is entitled to his own opinion but he is not entitled to his own facts. The Minister has suggested in his recent letter to the Hill Times and in public statements that no real financial disparity will exist between compensation paid to seriously disabled veterans under the Pension Act and the New Veterans Charter once his proposals, announced on December 20, 2017, take effect in April 2019. He has concluded in his analysis that only a $50.00 a month discrepancy will arise when comparing benefits under each statutory program.
With all due respect, the Minister is badly misinformed in this regard. A realistic comparison on an “apples to apples” basis reveals that a “significant disparity” will indeed continue to exist. It is essential in this context to recognize that the actual maximum amounts of compensation under each statutory regime will be as follows...
Click here to read more.
Coalition canadienne pour la sécurité de la retraite
Ottawa, Ontario (4 août 2015) - Aujourd'hui, la Coalition canadienne pour la sécurité de la retraite - qui regroupe 22 organisations et représente près de six millions de Canadiens en service et à la retraite - a annoncé sa campagne demandant une législation qui protège les pensions de retraite que les employés et les retraités des secteurs public et privé ont gagnées.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.
Agent Orange - Mise à Jour du bulletins de nouvelles 15 & 19
Cliquez ici pour voir le vidéo
Anciens Combattants Canada Communiqué
September 10, 2014
Le ministre des Anciens Combattants annonce un nouvel hommage national pour souligner le 75e anniversaire de la participation du Canada à la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Les vétérans canadiens de la Seconde Guerre mondiale honorés de part et d’autre du pays
Le 10 septembre 2014 – Vancouver – Anciens Combattants Canada
L’honorable Julian Fantino, ministre des Anciens Combattants, a annoncé aujourd’hui un nouvel hommage national pour souligner le 75e anniversaire de la participation du Canada à la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le rôle extraordinaire joué par les Canadiens dans la victoire alliée. À compter d’aujourd’hui, tous les vétérans canadiens encore vivants de la Seconde Guerre mondiale sont admissibles à une épinglette commémorative à tirage limité et à un certificat de reconnaissance personnalisé.
Les remises inaugurales de cet hommage auront lieu aujourd’hui dans le cadre de cérémonies organisées à Halifax, Québec, Ottawa, Edmonton et Vancouver.
La conception de l’épinglette et l’illustration sur le certificat s’inspirent de la pièce de cinq cents de la Victoire sur laquelle figurent une flamme et la lettre V, symbole de la victoire et de la valeur de la pièce. La pièce originale était en circulation de 1943 à 1945, puis à nouveau en 2005 à l’occasion du 60e anniversaire du jour de la Victoire en Europe.
Faits en bref
- La première fois que le Canada a déclaré la guerre de son propre chef a été à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Bien que l’Angleterre et la France aient déclaré la guerre le 3 septembre 1939, le Roi George VI attendit au 10 septembre 1939 pour annoncer l’entrée officielle du Canada, soit après l’approbation en séance spéciale par le Parlement de notre pays.
- La contribution du Canada à la Seconde Guerre mondiale est quelque peu disproportionnée compte tenu de sa population d’à peine 11 millions d’habitants. De 1939 à 1945, plus d’un million de Canadiens et de Terre-Neuviens ont servi; plus de 55 000 ont été blessés et plus de 45 000 autres, tués.
- On estime à environ 80 000 le nombre de vétérans canadiens de la Seconde Guerre mondiale encore en vie.
- Les Canadiens qui ont servi au moins une journée dans les forces canadiennes ou toute autre force alliée incluant les marines marchandes canadienne ou britannique, au pays ou à l’étranger, durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale sont admissibles à l’épinglette et au certificat. Ils peuvent se procurer le formulaire à remplir à partir du site Web, ou par téléphone en composant le 1-866-522-2022.
- Les cérémonies d’aujourd’hui s’inscrivent dans la période de commémoration des guerres mondiales du Canada, qui a été lancée le mois dernier dans le but de souligner le centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale. De 2014 à 2020, le gouvernement du Canada organisera et appuiera des activités et des projets pour rendre hommage aux nombreux Canadiens et Terre-Neuviens qui ont servi durant les deux guerres mondiales, et reconnaîtra l’héritage que ces événements historiques ont laissé sur le Canada qui est nôtre aujourd’hui.
« En tant que Canadiens, il nous incombe de nous remettre en mémoire le passé de notre pays et de ne pas oublier ceux et celles qui ont servi au nom des valeurs que nous chérissons si chèrement aujourd’hui. C’est avec un grand honneur que notre gouvernement remet ces épinglettes et ces certificats aux vétérans de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en guise de symbole de la fierté et de la gratitude éternelles de notre pays. »
L’honorable Julian Fantino, ministre des Anciens Combattants
– 30 –
Barbara Mottram
Directrice des communications
Cabinet du ministre des Anciens Combattants
Relations avec les médias
Anciens Combattants Canada
Mock Consultation: How Government Subjects Veterans to an Ugly Political Game
March 11, 2014
For 50 years, veterans have largely permitted government to choose the game, dictate the rules, rig the arena, and select the players on the veterans’ team. If veterans allow this to continue, they...More >>
A national strategy needed for 700,000 veterans
January 16, 2014
Government of Canada Cutting Red Tape for Seriously Disabled Veterans
December 13, 2013
War Amps Commends Gov't For Implementing Recommendations Of The Association's Task Force Report to Cut Red Tape For Seriously Disabled Veterans
December 13, 2013
War Amps To Partner With Department of National Defence In Assisting Amputee Soldiers
November 27, 2013
War Amps & Department of National Defence Memorandum Of Understanding
Questions and Answers - English
Government position on wounded soldiers inhumane
October 15, 2013
Government’s Failure to Implement Plan of Action on Reforming New Veterans Charter Violates Social Covenant Owed to Canadian Veterans and Their Families
October 3, 2013
Veterans traveling to Ottawa to oppose cuts to frontline services
October 2, 2013
Tune into a live webcast to hear what they have to say
Canada’s veterans will be in Ottawa Thursday, October 3rd to talk about why the federal government must not close Veterans Affairs offices they rely on.
The office in Prince George has already been shut down and the government says that by February, offices in Corner Brook, Charlottetown, Sydney, Thunder Bay, Windsor, Brandon, Saskatoon and Kelowna will be closing their doors to veterans too.
These are the offices that both traditional and younger veterans – including those with serious physical and mental disabilities – depend on for face-to-face frontline services. If the Sydney, Cape Breton office closes, for example, approximately 4,200 veterans and their family members will be forced to drive seven and a half hours to Halifax for frontline services. Many say they can’t because of their age or ailments.
PSAC’s members include the workers at Veterans Affairs who provide these frontline services. These workers – who are speaking at this event too – are worried about what will happen to their clients.
Tune in to hear why veterans and PSAC members say the government should reverse its decision to shut down these offices and to find out how you can help. You can start by sharing the YouTube video being launched at the event.
WATCH THE LAUNCH LIVE at 11:00 am EST on Thursday, October 3.
Share this event on Facebook, Twitter and through all of your networks.
Help veterans stop the closures!
Suppression des services de première ligne : d’anciens combattants se mobilisent
Écoutez en direct la webémission pour entendre leurs témoignages.
D’anciens combattants canadiens se réuniront à Ottawa le jeudi 3 octobre. Leur mission : expliquer pourquoi le gouvernement ne doit pas fermer les bureaux du ministère des Anciens Combattants, qui sont essentiels pour eux.
Le gouvernement a déjà mis la clé dans la porte du bureau de Prince George et compte en faire autant d’ici février avec les bureaux de Corner Brook, Charlottetown, Saskatoon, Sydney, Thunder Bay, Windsor, Brandon et Kelowna.
Ces bureaux offrent des services de première ligne aux anciens combattants, jeunes et moins jeunes, certains ayant des incapacités physiques ou mentales. Par exemple, si le bureau de Sydney, au Cap-Breton, fermait, quelque 4 200 anciens combattants et leur famille seraient forcés de conduire pendant sept heures et demie pour se rendre au bureau de Halifax afin d’obtenir des services de première ligne. Et plusieurs en sont incapables, que ce soit en raison de leur âge ou de problèmes de santé.
Les travailleuses et les travailleurs qui offrent ces services de première ligne sont des membres de l’AFPC. Et ils sont très inquiets du sort réservé à leurs clients. Ils se feront d’ailleurs entendre à cet événement.
Branchez-vous pour entendre les témoignages d’anciens combattants et de membres de l’AFPC, qui demandent au gouvernement de revenir sur sa décision de fermer ces bureaux. Et vous pouvez les aider! D’abord en partageant la vidéo YouTube qui sera lancée lors de l’événement.
ASSISTEZ EN DIRECT AU LANCEMENT, à 11 h HNE, le jeudi 3 octobre.
Soyez nombreux à partager cet événement sur Facebook, Twitter et dans tous vos réseaux.
Aidez les anciens combattants à mettre fin à ces fermetures!
Free B&B accommodations on Rememberance Day to honour vets and military personnel.
September 20, 2013
See press release:
Federal retirees ready to challenge cuts to benefits - (Kathryn May, Ottawa Citizen, September 15, 2013)
PS unions brace for tough, divisive bargaining - (Kathryn May, Ottawa Citizen, September 15, 2013)
September 20, 2013
Canada’s Duty to Veterans by National Council of Veterans Associations in Canada - (Letter to the Editor, Ottawa Citizen)
In Response to:
Paul Robinson, OpED “There is no ‘sacred duty’ to Canada’s Veterans (Ottawa Citizen August 5, 2013)
August 13, 2013
August 2, 2013
Government Restores Historical Identity of Canadian Army
July 19, 2013
Canadian Forces Pension Plans
July 11, 2013
CFS report to Parliament 2013 | English | Français
Hommage aux gardiens de la paix canadiens / Tribute to Canadian Peacekeepers
The Official Celebration of the National Peacekeepers' Day in Quebec / Célébration officielle de la journée des gardiens de la paix au Québec
First edition of the NEW Defence Connexion e-newsletter!
Ex-vertans Ombudsman Treated for Post Traumatic Stress
Supreme Court rules against pension surplus.
Update from John Larlee, Chair of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, Président, Tribunal des anciens combattants (revision et appel)
Harper Government and Corporate Canada Partnering to Offer Job Opportunities to Veterans
Veterans Ombudsman Releases New Report - L'ombudsman des vétérans publie un nouveau rapport
A Message from Peter Stoffer MP on veterans concerns