Welcome New Members
We would like to welcome 1,480
new members who have enrolled since
our last newsletter in the fall. We are con-
fident that your decision to join is one
you will never regret.
Of the 1480 new members, 33% re-
side in Ontario, 22% are from Quebec,
17% are from British Columbia and 12%
are from Nova Scotia. We have new
members in every province and territory
in Canada, with the exception of
Nunavut. We also have new members re-
siding in the US and all around the world.
Our new members were sent a New
Member Survey and the top reason that
people listed for joining AFP/AAC was
to keep up-to-date with the on-goings
surrounding pensions and to have a voice
in protecting their pension rights. This is
in direct line with their biggest concern
as a pensioner, which is that they are con-
cerned the government will keep taking
more of their hard earned pensions.
The average number of years of serv-
ice given to the Canadian Armed Forces
by new members responding to the sur-
veys is over 26.
The quickest and most cost-effective
way to keep in touch with our members
is via email. If you have an email address
that you have yet to provide, please email
it to us at
We do
not sell our email mailing list and we will
not bombard you with an influx of regu-
lar emails. The emails are used strictly
for keeping our members informed of
important information relating to your
pensions and pension rights.
A great way to keep track of what’s
happening is to check out our website at
or by following
AFP/AAC on Twitter or by liking us on
Facebook. To access our Twitter or Face-
book accounts, simply click on the re-
spective logos on our website.
If anyone would like to purchase an
AFP/AAC lapel pin, you can do so at any
time. We always have them available.
They cost $7 each, plus $2 for shipping
in Canada. Simply send in a request with
a cheque made out to AFP/AAC or call
our office with your credit card informa-
As we all know, a number of
VAC offices have closed over the last
six months. We would like to know
how this has affected our members.
What services were you or someone
you know able to access before that
are now no longer available to you?
Please write us or send us an
email about your experiences.
P.O. Box 370, 3-247 Barr Street
Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6
Phone: 613-432-9491
At AFP/AAC we value feedback
from our members and a common com-
ment from you is in regards to claw-
backs. If you are able to read through
previous newsletters on our website, you
will see that this is a common topic.
The term clawbacks can refer to any
number of ways the government reduces
your pension for various reasons. Most
clawbacks are in regards to a disability
pension, either through Service Income
Security Insurance Plan (SISIP) or a Vet-
erans Affairs Canada program.
If you ever have a question relating
to your pension, please call the Canadian
Forces Pension Office at 1-800-267-0350
from anywhere in Canada or the US.
When calling, be sure to have your Pen-
sion Number or Service Number avail-
able. If you do not have either of these,
they cannot give you information about
your pension. This is for your own secu-
rity under the Privacy Act.