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Provincial and federal govern-

ments are moving forward with the in-

troduction of legislation that would

allow for the conversion of defined

benefit plans to target benefit plans or

shared risk plans. These plans are a

unique type of pension plan that blends

elements of defined-benefit and de-

fined-contribution plans to provide a

base monthly pension at retirement

(which may be allowed to change, de-

pending on the pension plan’s perform-

ance) with limited or conditional

indexation. The benefits paid in retire-

ment are linked with how well the pen-

sion plan performs. Target benefit

plans are similar to multi-employer

pension plans, where a number of em-

ployers (usually within the same indus-

try) share a pension plan, and to

jointly-sponsored plans where employ-

ees and the employer share funding

and governance accountabilities.

In January 2015, our organization

joined the Canadian Coalition for Re-

tirement Security which was estab-

lished to ensure the protection of

public and private sector employees’

accrued and retirees’ pensions and ben-

efits. The Coalition is composed of 23

organizations that together represent

close to 6 million working and retired


The Canadian Coalition for Retire-

ment Security believes that a deal is a

deal: pensions are deferred wages

whose payment has been committed by

the employer in exchange for the em-

ployee’s years of service. Public and

private sector employers must honour

existing pension commitments made to

pensioners and employees, and ac-

crued pension benefits should not be

changed. That belief drives our com-

mon vision: that public and private sec-

tor employers honour existing pension

commitments to pensioners, veterans,

and employees.

In the coming months the Coalition

will mount a non-partisan campaign to

leverage public support for federal and

provincial legislation that would pro-

tect the accrued benefits – that is, re-

tirement benefits that have already

been earned – of public and private

sector employees and retirees.

The timing of a federal election in

2015 will provide greater opportunity

to engage the public, you our members,

and our politicians and candidates in

this discussion.

We know Canadians are in agree-

ment. In June 2014, Ipsos Reid found

that while a substantial proportion of

Canadians (44%) recognize the diffi-

culty employers may have in providing

pensions for their employees and pen-

sioners, many more — more than nine

in ten Canadians (94%) – agree that

employers should live up to the com-

mitments they have made to pensioners

and employees.

What’s more, Canadians are clear

that they expect their governments to

make sure this happens: 92% agree that

in developing a new pension frame-

work, governments should ensure that

companies honour the commitments

made to pensioners and employees.

Canadians believe in protecting re-

tirees’ accrued pensions and in em-

ployers honouring the pension

promises made to retirees and employ-

ees – and with our Coalition partners,

we are working to make sure that hap-

pens so that Canadians can achieve re-

tirement income security.

Retired RCMP officer, Gary

Oberg, President of the National Asso-

ciation of Federal Retirees will act as

the spokesperson for the Coalition. The

Canadian Coalition for Retirement Se-

curity comprises 23 organizations, as-

sociations, veterans groups, unions,

and seniors groups, including:

Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones

Air Canada Pionairs

Armed Forces Pensioners’/Annui-

tants’Association of Canada

Bell Pensioners’ Group

Canadian Association of Retired


Canadian Association of Veterans

in United Nations Peacekeeping

Canadian Federation of Pensioners

Canadian Labour Congress

Canadian Merchant Service Guild

Canadian Naval Air Group

Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans


Canadian Union of Postal Workers

CBC Pensioners National Associ-


Congress of Union Retirees of


Council of Senior Citizens’ Organ-

izations of British Columbia

Maritime Aviation Veterans Asso-


National Association of Federal


National Pensioners Federation

NL Coalition of Pensioners, Re-

tirees, & Seniors Organizations

Public Service Alliance of Canada

RCMP Veterans’Association

The Professional Institute of the

Public Service of Canada


Internal Message to Coalition Member

Organizations Constituencies