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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »In Issue 8 we mentioned that three newmedical conditions had been added to the list of 11 conditions recognized by Vet-eransAffairs Canada (VAC) based on the findings of the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) and, although the cut-off date for the Agent Orange Ex Gratia Payment Program had passed, we encouraged our members to apply for the payment any-way.
However, just as we were going to press before Christmas, Veterans Affairs Minister Blackburn announced that the Ex Gratia program had been extended to June 2011 and that the eligibility criteria had been changed to include survivors whose spouses had died prior to 6 February 2006. The new rules also removed the requirement to prove that the medical diagnosis was in progress before that same date.
While there is still some dissatisfaction remaining for the victims of Agent Orange, especially with regard to disability pension criteria, these revised rules for the Ex Gratia payment are much fairer than those set out in the original policy. The bottom line is this: if you, and/or your spouse, lived or worked in CFB Gagetown, NB, during the summers of 1966 or 1967, and you (or him/her) have been diagnosed with one of the following conditions, you (both, if applicable) should apply to VAC for this $20,000 Ex Gratia payment: • Soft-tissue sarcoma • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
• Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) • Hodgkin's disease • Chloracne
• Respiratory cancers • Prostate cancer • Multiple myeloma • Type 2 Diabetes • Porphyria cutanea tarda
• Acute and sub-acute transient peripheral neuropathy • Ischemic heart disease
(including coronary artery disease) • Parkinson’s disease; and
• B cell leukemias (such as hairy cell leukemia). Aperson with Spina bifida, whose parents or grandparents lived or worked in CFB Gagetown during the summers of 1966 or 1967, may also be entitled to this payment.
VAC is reviewing those applications which previously had been denied the payment to determine eligibility under the re-vised criteria.
If you are in this category, you can expect a phone call. Otherwise, to determine if you may be eligible, contact VAC at or phone them at 1-866-522-2122.
Extension of Agent Orange
Ex Gratia Payment
One of the services thatAFP/AAC provides its members is its Links section on the association website. This page is kept up-to-date with links to organizations, government departments and publications of value and interest toArmed Force Pensioners and their spouses and/or survivors.
Earlier this year, National Council of Veteran Associations (NCVA) established a website that is now posted for our mem-bers to access. NCVAis an umbrella organization of 58 distinct veterans associations formed to ensure an appropriate and inde-pendent voice in issues which are of significance to the veteran community at large. AFP/AAC is one of its member organiza-tions. The new NCVA website can also be accessed at .
Similarly, AFP/AAC has become aware of a new veterans’ association that is taking shape under the name “NATOVeterans Organization of Canada” (NVOC). This association consists of members and former members of the Canadian Forces who have served or are serving after the formation of NATO to the present day. NVOC exists to be a voice for these veterans
NVOC has been incorporated federally, it currently has some 1,500 members (and growing daily) and has units set up in seven provinces. In the three provinces it doesn’t have units it will be establishing members-at-large. More infor-mation can be found on the organizationwebsite, .
Athird recent addition to the links page related to mesothe-lioma, which is a form of lung cancer. The site,, is aimed at providing former service members with knowledge about this disease.According to Vet-erans Affairs, asbestos was reported to have been widely used in construction and many other industries worldwide. Many ships around the world including U.S. submarines and Royal Canadian Navy ships contained asbestos-based insulation in pipes and boilers to prevent fires. With the destruction of war, these toxic fibers are easily released into the air and inhaled by unsuspecting troops latching onto their lungs and causing mesothelioma. Visit the mesothlioma symptoms website to learn more – you could be entitled to financial compensation if you have been diagnosed.
Other links you can find on the AFP/AAC website at include: the New Canadian Forces Pension site; the director of Canadian Forces Pension Services; theDepartment of National Defence; VeteransAffairs; andmany more. If there is an organization or document that you have found useful and would like posted on the website, please let us know at
Online resources for AFP/AAC members
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